Dynamic Walking 2014
ETH Zurich, June 10, 2014 – June 13, 2014

The Dynamic Walking conference brings together researchers studying animal walking or running and researchers designing legged robots, exoskeletons, or prosthetics to gain insight into the fundamental principles that underlie legged locomotion. Topics central to dynamic walking include energetics, stability and control, predictive principles and models, dynamic modeling, empirical data with a conceptual tie in, and robot successes and failures. This conference puts less emphasis on vision, navigation, or kinematic motion planning.
Attendance is limited to approximately 150 people to maximize quality, exchange of ideas, and potential for future collaborations. Participation by graduate students is highly encouraged.
The organizing committee for the 2014 Dynamic Walking Conference requests abstracts for participation. There will be a variety of talks and poster presentations, and we also encourage robot, exoskeleton, and prosthetic demonstrations. Presenters should submit an abstract and indicate the preferred format of presentation.